MRIT: Mobile Robotics Interactive Tool
by J.L. Guzmán, M. Berenguel, F. Rodríguez, and S. Dormido

MRIT is an interactive tool aimed at facilitating the understanding of the algorithms and techniques involved in solving mobile robotics problems, from those that model the mechanics of mobility to those used in navigation, showing how the modification of a certain element of the system affects to the other components. Different parameters involved in the general robot navigation problem can be selected and/or modified using the interface of the tool, such as those associated to the navigation algorithm, the initial and goal positions of the mobile robot, the robot kinematics and associated dimensions, the number, morphology and position of different objects in the environment, etc., and the user can interactively visualize (in one run or using a step by step procedure) the effect that these modifications have on the selected trajectory to navigate from the initial to the goal position.


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MRIT (English) (Spanish) (Spanish)
MRIT (Spanish)
Documentation: English.pdf
Screenshots: MRIT.jpg
Documentation: Spanish.pdf  



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