Tool for analysis of time-delay systems with dead-time compensators |
J.L. Guzmán, P. García, T. Hägglund, S. Dormido,
P. Albertos, and M. Berenguel
The problem of controlling delayed systems has been
widely studied in the control community. The Smith
Predictor (SP) scheme was the most famous and efficient
technique to cope with this problem. After that, robustness
problems and those related to the control of integrating
and unstable delayed processes were resolved. This
interactive tool presents a summary of the most relevant
control structures which have been used in the solution
of such problems in order to study and understand
the different alternatives at hand for controlling
systems with large delays. Interactive tools have
provided excellent support for the control community
during last years. In this way, this tool helps to
compare easily the performance of PID controllers
and SP approaches for processes with delay, as well
as other control structures to face the different
problems that the original SP has when using integrator
and unstable models. Robustness problems due to presence
of model uncertainties can also be analysed. The tool
incorporates a set of typical transfer functions based
on these real industrial processes.
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(Linux) |
Optimized for 800 x 600
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